Lab Members
Chloé Martens, PhD
Principal Investigator

Chloe Martens obtained a master in Chemistry from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) in 2011. She completed her doctoral studies under the supervision of Dr Cédric Govaerts (ULB) in 2015, in the Structure and Function of Biological Membranes (SFMB) laboratory. Her thesis was a collaborative project between the ULB and the research group of Prof. Mchaourab (Vanderbilt University, USA) during which she used advanced spectroscopic methods to study the molecular mechanisms underlying multidrug efflux.
In 2016, Chloe joined the research group of Dr. Argyris Politis at King’s College London (KCL) to learn hybrid mass spectrometry techniques applied to membrane proteins. During her postdoctoral training, she developed new methodologies to study membrane proteins in near-native environments using different mass-spectrometry based tools.
In 2021, she obtained a permanent researcher position “Chercheur Qualifié” from the FNRS and is currently working in the Chemistry department at ULB. She was awarded the Solvay Prize and the Hector Lepouse prize in recognition for the quality of her work.

Kyo Coppieters
PhD Student
Kyo Coppieters graduated with a Master in Chemistry from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) in 2020. He obtained a FRIA fellowship the same year to study the molecular mechanisms of multidrug efflux pumps from Gram-positive bacteria using H/D exchange mass spectrometry.
George Chiduza
Postdoctoral Researcher
George Chiduza holds a PhD from the University of Liverpool in the UK and is a Francis Crick Institute alumnus. He is interested in the dynamics and protein-lipid interactions of heteromeric amino acid transporters in the context of autism spectrum disorder.

Assia Khalild
PhD student
Assia Khalild holds a Master degree in Biochemistry (structural and functional biology) from Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1. She will study the how interactions with the membrane affects the functional dynamics of polyspecific transporters.

Hasan Maklad
Postdoctoral Researcher

Maria Mamkaeva
Lab technician
Maria Mamkaeva holds a bachelor in Biology from the University of Saint-Petersburg. She supports the team efforts' in understanding multidrug efflux.